About Me
About Me
Hi, I’m Teresa and thanks for popping by! I am what some refer to as a BBC (British Born Chinese!). I’ve lived in the UK all my life, yet come from a family that’s quite cultural in their traditions.
I’m a mother, health blogger, peace-lover, alternative health enthusiast, green-living geek and herbal tea addict!
A Little Back Story
From a young age, my mum taught me the health benefits and healing powers of plants and natural foods. Fast forward to now and I am a mother myself – dealing with a son with allergies and asthma – and all I want is to protect him and shield him from the sad reality that is our modern food, medical, and health industry.

Many kids are growing up with a myriad of health conditions from a tender age – ADHD, obesity, allergies, asthma, and autism have risen sharply in the last 20 years – and this makes me sick to my stomach.
The alarming changes in our farming methods; a sharp growth of diets rich in processed sugars, flours & fats; pollutants in the environment; our increased stress levels and usage of smart devices, in addition to our hectic yet sedentary lifestyles – have all had a startling impact on our health and wellbeing.
From a young age, my mum has always made (and still does!) what we call in our culture ‘beneficial soups’- using traditional herbs, roots, leaves and fruits to treat any ailments my siblings and I had. From colds to allergies, stomach aches to eating too much oily food! (This is particularly useful during the current fast-food/convenient food phase that the world is going through!)
I developed my interests further in plants and natural foods in my later years. I became more aware of the chemicals and additives in the foods and products we consumed that could drastically alter our bodies and state of health.
I became almost obsessed with reading packet labels on all foods and products before I bought them. I became more ethical and aware of my purchasing habits purely because of the crap these money-driven companies put in our food, health and medical supplies!
Now that I have become a mum, this has become even more apparent! Having a son with certain food allergies makes you extra vigilant!
My Goals
Cancer, diabetes, and heart disease have become the norm. I’m not saying that I can stop this sad tragedy, but a chance to reduce these growing numbers is what I am offering.
Let us take a step back from modern ways and embrace the traditional ways of looking at and taking care of our health. After all, we all know that health is wealth.
⚠️ Did you know that although we live in one of the wealthiest nations on Earth, we are considered one of the sickest nations also? How crazy is that? We may be living longer – but not necessarily healthier!
I was pregnant at the time and this scary fact was one of the reasons why I started my blog.
My goal is to change this narrative or at least be part of those fighting to regain our health.
I’d like to bring to your attention that I’m not a doctor or health professional – just a regular girl with a passion for alternative health and healing!
My belief is that plants have been placed on this earth for us to discover and make use of and to further our knowledge of the wonders of this expansive yet fragile world we live in.
With conditions such as cancer, diabetes and allergies to name a few on the rise, many people are considering a more natural and healthier way to live in the hope to prevent these ailments.
But…..would you agree with me that the journey to living a healthier and more natural way of life can be overwhelming at times?
In the ever-growing image-conscious world we live in – along with the confusion of contradictory claims, scares, and reassurances about food, diets, and health products – it’s hard to know what is right at times!
❓ Are you interested in living a much more wholesome life, embracing plants and natural foods to prevent and even cure in some cases certain health conditions?
❓ Do you want to take your health back? Regain your strength and energy, and be more in control of your body?
❓ Do you want to change the health story of your family for generations to come?
✨ My promise to you is this – I want to help you navigate the world of alternative health.
✨ I hope you can join me on my quest to understand the amazing health benefits and healing powers of plants and natural foods.
✨ When combined with healthy living, healthy eating, and a positive mindset – you’re definitely in the right place!
DM me let’s have a chat. Looking forward to serving you.
peace & blessings