Natural Health. Holistic Healing. Mindful Living

Hey there, friend! Welcome to my little corner of the internet—a cosy spot where we can dive into simple, fun ways to live healthier, more balanced, and mindful lives—together. 💗

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Teresa M

About Me

I’m Teresa

🍵 Hi friend –  I’m Teresa! Mum on a mission who loves sharing about health, exploring alternative remedies, embracing green living, and sipping way too much herbal tea. I’m all about peace, positivity, good vibes and learning along the way—glad you’re here!

🌻 From a young age, my mum taught me the health benefits and healing powers of plants and natural foods. Fast forward to now and I am a mother myself – dealing with a son with allergies and asthma.

😡 Many kids are growing up with a myriad of health conditions from a young age – ADHD, obesity, allergies, asthma, and autism have risen sharply in the last 20 years – and this makes me sick to my stomach.

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