There are over 100 types of arthritis but the most common of them all is osteoarthritis. Joint pains and feeling stiff are the main symptoms and you can develop this at any age but usually occurs in people over 45 and more so among women. Other forms of the disease include rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis.

evidence of arthritis in old ageSo if you suffer from joint pain, join the club!….I feel it more especially when the  weather turns cold, and living in the UK, this happens quite frequently!

Although anti-inflammatory drugs, whether prescribed or bought OTC (over the counter), work to ease the pain away, there are many natural herbal remedies to help soothe those pains away.




Known as the “all round comforter”, it has been found to contain fairly strong anti-inflammatory ingredients  and can bring relief to sufferers of arthritis (as it can reduce the stomach eroding effects of painkillers and other related drugs).  Also effective in relief for muscle aches, strains and ‘time of the month’ cramps.



Known as the “spice for blends”, it has a warm, sweet and calming action that is used to complement blends for ‘cold’ conditions such as colds, chills, arthritis and rheumatism. It has natural antiseptic properties and can aid in digestion, fight bacteria, viruses and yeast infections.


Dong Quai

Known as the “supreme woman’s root” it is a favorite in Chinese formulas for women’s health but is equally beneficial for both sexes. Its anti-rheumatic properties is good for muscles aches and joints. In its dry form, Dong Quai can be used externally as a compress for arthritic or rheumatic aches.



Known as the “hot root”, it is taken to relieve the the effects of cold temperatures and is ideal for arthritis, rheumatism, osteoporosis and gout. Its hot action warms and comforts the body, increasing blood flow and circulation and is beneficial for those who suffer from colds, chills and cold hands and feet. Ginger’s uses extends to treating morning/motion sickness, digestion and can aid weight control.



Known as the “purifying fruit”, it can filter acid wastes from the body which is beneficial for excessive acid problems such as arthritis, rheumatism and gout. Traditionally used in the ancient Egyptian period, Juniper was used as a bath soak for arthritic pain. Its anti-fungal and disinfectant properties can be used to treat athlete’s foot, indigestion and kidney and bladder diseases.



Known as the “the sting that brings energy”, it is strongly advocated by herbalists to treat joint inflammation as it helps to lower uric acid levels. It is recognized as a blood tonic and circulatory stimulant so is ideal for those who want to improve their circulation and the many who suffer from aches in their joints from arthritis, rheumatism and gout. Can be used to ease asthma and other respiratory weaknesses.


White Willow

Known as the “anti-inflammatory” as the name suggests it has been used as a remedy for neuralgia, arthritis, rheumatism, lumbago and gout. The bark contains ‘salacin’ which helps to alleviate pain and has been used in the past to treat fever and strengthen the digestive organs.


Wild Yam

Known as the “progressive root”, it is highly recommended and has been prescribed for the inflammatory stages of rheumatoid arthritis and in painful disorders of the urinary tract. It is also beneficial for poor circulation, neuralgic complaints, menopausal women and treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).


Wood Betony

Known as the “herb of sanctity”, it can bring relief from pain and tension caused by neuralgia, sciatica, arthritis, gout and rheumatism. It is also good for those who suffer from nervous jitters and is considered one of the top remedies for headaches and hangovers!


This website is for educational and informational purposes only. The publisher/owner of is not legally liable for your use of the information which is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have any serious health concerns, you should always check with your health care practitioner or medical herbalist before self-administering herbs.

Herbal Tea Remedies: Arthritis was last modified: by

6 responses

  1. I remember my grandmother stinging herself with nettles to re-leave the pain from her sore hands. Makes sense to take it in the form of tea and not go through the pain of being stung. Ouch!!

    1. Ouch indeed! I thought being stung by nettles accidently was painful – but stinging oneself intentionally is something else! Your grandmother’s a brave lady!

  2. Are these ingredients meant to be blended together to make a tea to ease arthritis pains or are they meant to be used separately, ie kind of like a list of things to try?

    Also, are they meant to be drunk regularly as a way to prevent arthritis pain or do they have immediate effects and can be drunk for short term relief?


    1. Hey Nathaniell, these are both good questions.

      The ingredients are meant to be tried out separately to get the full effect. Taking herbs requires patience as they do not work immediately on the first attempt like over-the-counter drugs. Usually, I would drink 3-4 cups daily for about one month to see any results, as your body is getting used to the properties and ‘actions’ of the herbs. If it works for you, then continue to drink 1-3 cups daily if desired – or take a week break and try something different before taking it up again.

      I have a ‘Recipes’ section which details certain herbs to be combined with others for a particular remedy. Recipes for arthritis will be coming soon, so watch this space!

      Thanks for reading!

  3. Who knew (besides you) there were so many herbal tea remedies available? I don’t have arthritis (yet), but I’ll keep your list handy. Love your site! 🙂

    1. Lol!…thanks Bill:0) – I suppose if anyone researched enough into any ailment, they will find many great and popular herbs for that particular ailment. You’re blessed that you don’t suffer from arthritis or any sort of joint pain yet – living here in the UK, you could get it at an earlier age due to the cold weather we constantly have!

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