We’ve all been there… when nature calls and you want to answer, desperately … yet our bodies don’t want to respond! Or when it does, your stools are small, hard, dry and painful or difficult to eliminate!

One main reason is lack of fibre or water in your diet and another is not going when we should, especially in the mornings when we’re running late! This can lead to build up of toxins which can cause a number of health related problems.

Constipation may also be caused by lack of exercise and the frequent use of laxatives or by conditions such as diabetes, depression and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Certain prescription drugs or OTC (over the counter) may be to blame too.

It’s easy to reach for a laxative at first instinct, but going for a herbal tea blend is the most natural way as it can be counted towards your daily water intake.




Known as the “little plant that roars”, the leaves are especially used as they have a mild laxative effect which may help in bowel movements to become more regular. Can be used to promote increased appetite and activate the digestive system. It can help weight control due to its diuretic (increased urine excretion) and laxative properties to remove water and food weight before digestion begins and help your body reduce the feeling of feeling bloated.



Known as the “regulator”, it is a most common remedy for digestive orders but can be used to relieve constipation. It contains oils that soothes spasms in the gut, can stimulate the secretion of digestive enzymes which calms the digestive tract. Can also relieve nausea and help control flatulence…that’s why some Indian restaurants serve this in dishes for customers!



Known as the “digestive regulator”, it is what the name suggests. It is packed with enzymes for healthy digestion and can counter acidity which eases gastrointestinal problems, acid reflux, indigestion and constipation. The various enzymes are also beneficial for the heart and lymph system (which is important to the immune system) and fights infections.


Slippery Elm

Known as the “treasure beyond measure”, this is considered the most valuable remedies in herbal medicine. It is one of the best restorative remedies for inflamed or irritated mucous membranes throughout your body. Conditions such as respiratory problems, lung weakness and lower bowel inflammatory disorders may benefit from this. Frequent use can aid with digestion and produce regular bowel movements.


Aloe Vera

Known as the “juices from the lilies”, it is well known for its digestive aid properties as it relaxes the bowels and stimulates the large intestine and is used particularly in severe cases of constipation. It is also an excellent remedy for the skin as has been used to treat age spots, acne, heat rashes and wrinkles to name a few.



Known as “the soother”, it is well known for its soothing effect on the lining of the gastrointestinal tract and the stimulation in digestion thus aiding in digestive problems, including ulcers, liver disorders and inflammatory conditions. It also has a mild laxative effect, making it a gentle remedy for occasional constipation.



Known as the “potent laxative” or the “mother of all laxatives”, it is used primarily as the name suggests as a powerful laxative as it works on the lower bowel to increase movements in the colon. The nauseating taste has been prone to cause sickness and griping pains and shouldn’t be used if you have hemorrhoids, abdominal pains or an inflammatory condition of the intestine.


Cascara Sagrada (aka Buckthorn)

Known as the “bitter tonic bark” as well as a “stimulant laxative”, it works by drawing water into the large intestine and stimulating intestinal muscle contractions making it extremely beneficial for those suffering from chronic constipation. Good for the pancreas, liver, gallbladder, spleen and stomach and can prevent intestinal diseases that occur from stagnant wastes.



This website is for educational and informational purposes only. The publisher/owner of blendingherbaltea.com is not legally liable for your use of the information which is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have any serious health concerns, you should always check with your health care practitioner or medical herbalist before self-administering herbs.

Herbal Tea Remedies: Constipation was last modified: by

10 responses

  1. What I could’ve done with this, Teresa….This article highlights one more reason to drink herbal tea. Using Mother Nature’s natural remedies is always the best choice. There was a time when I tried to develop this ‘problem’, but I simply increased the fiber in my diet, and now all my problems are behind me.

    1. Hi John, good question. The majority of herbs bought online are generally in dried form. They don’t go bad but they do lose their potency if stored incorrectly. The best method to test whether its rendered useless is to rub them and smell it – if it has little or no smell and has no colour, then bin it.

      The best way to store dried herbs is by using well-sealed, glass containers and away from any moisture, heat and light. They can store between 1-3 years dependant on the herb itself.

  2. There are some interesting properties to some of these teas and I am wondering if there might be one that would help me. My problem is at the other end of the spectrum though.

    I got gall stones when I was quite young and foolish enough to believe the doctors that I didn’t really need a gall bladder. I also refuse to cut healthy fat out of my diet as it is a very important source of essential nutrients.

    So with nowhere to store the bile my liver produces I have the opposite of constipation. I have been looking for a natural remedy, without success, for years. I am wondering if one of these teas that helps digestion but is not an outright laxative might help.

    1. Hi Jim, my sister-in-law also developed gallbladder stones after she had her first child and was told to cut fat from her diet completely, which annoyed her immensely as she’s a lover of chocolate! As you mentioned, fats are an important source of nutrients, so my sister-in-law limited her intake of saturated fats and replaced them with healthier unsaturated fats instead.

      Although I’m not a trained herbalist, my research has led me to discover that Milk Thistle and Dandelion are the most popular remedies in dealing with liver and gallbladder issues. Milk Thistle contains a flavonoid substance called ‘silymarin’ that protect the liver cells from damage by toxins and free radicals. Studies have shown that ‘silymarin’ is the only known natural compound that assists in the detoxification of the liver and the gallbladder. Milk Thistle is also popularly used after the removal of the gallbladder due to its role in detoxifying the liver and is an effective method to secrete any excessive bile that is produced by the liver.

      Dandelion helps to cool and clean the liver of toxins and has had a long history of use in China and India for many liver complaints. It contains taraxacin and choline compounds which stimulate liver cell metabolism and an infusion of Dandelion tea can stimulate the flow of bile and promote digestion. It is considered a wonderful remedy for gas and disturbances in gallbladder secretion.

      It is recommended to drink 3-4 cups of these herbal tea blends for a period of 6-8 weeks to achieve best results….I wish you well in finding the right natural remedy for your common problem.

  3. Does the fennel tea taste a bit like liquorice? I think it would be yummy if it did. This is a super resource. Thanks so much.

    1. Hi Lorena, you can buy these herbs in certain specialist herbal shops and you can also buy online which is usually cheaper. Also, most places online offer great discounts if you buy in bulk. You can have a look at my loose herbs (in ‘Shop’ section) to get an idea of what herbs are available to buy online.

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