Latin Name
rubus strigosus; rubus idaeus
In Greek mythology, legend has it that when baby Zeus was crying, his nursemaid Ida searched high and low for berries to calm him. Then, it was believed that ALL raspberries were white in color but when Ida pricked her finger on a raspberry bush, her blood turned the berries red – hence “rubus” means red and “ida” was the one responsible.
Common Name
American Raspberry; Rasbis; Raspberry; Hindberry; Bramble of Mount Ida
Botanical Name
Rubus idaeus
North America; Canada; found wild in Great Britain; cultivated in many parts of Europe.
Parts Used
The leaves and the fruits – the fruit contains fruit sugar; a volatile oil; pectin, mineral salts and citric acid and malic acids
Brief History
The use of Red Raspberry Leaf can be traced back to the ancient Greeks and Romans and was known to aid in fertility. In the Middle Ages, it was a reputable female tonic and still continues today. For thousands of years, European and Native American women have been safely using it to treat irregular menstruation, “time of the month cramps” and assisting during pregnancy.
Medicinal Uses & Properties
Pregnancy and Labor
* The traditional use of Red Raspberry Leaf has been widely associated for women during pregnancy and labor. Medical studies have shown that this herb helps strengthen the uterine (uterus or womb) muscles to aid in easier delivery, can ease labour pains and can help in deceasing the length of labour. Many midwives and health professionals promote the taking of this herb.

* It contains fragrine – an alkaloid which gives tone to the muscles of the pelvic region, including the uterus itself. This is needed in returning the uterus to its normal size after birth. Fragrine is the substance that also helps to ease “time of the month” cramps and can help lighten excessive bleeding.
* Red Raspberry Leaf has high levels of vitamins and minerals that are essential to mother and growing baby. This includes:-
– Rich concentration of Vitamin C – anti-oxidant properties that fight free radicals that don’t belong in your body.
– Vitamin A – in the form of carotenoids can aid the women’s immune system as well as promote healthy skin and bone development for the baby.
– Vitamin E – to aid in better circulation in the mother whose blood volume dramatically increases during pregnancy.
– Vitamin B complex
– Calcium and Iron – an increased taking of Calcium is necessary in controlling nerve response to pain during childbirth and in aiding bone development in the baby.
– Manganese, Magnesium, Phosphorous and Potassium – the high mineral content helps to replace those that are lost via blood loss in delivery.
* The therapeutic use of Red Raspberry Leaf is used to alleviate morning sickness (which many women suffer from!) as the leaves can provide gentle relief from nausea throughout the pregnancy.
* Can assist in enriching and increasing milk production due to its high mineral content. However, its astringent properties could counter this for some women.
Other Uses

* Herbal tea blends made of Red Raspberry Leaf can be used as a gargle for sore mouths, sore throats and as a wash for wounds and ulcers due to its astringent properties. The leaves make an excellent compress for cleaning wounds and promoting healing.
* The infusion of the leaves can help treat diarrhea, the common cold or flu and even certain heart problems. Can be safe to use on children with general stomach complaints or those with a fever.
* Is still used today as an aid to fertility in both men and women and is more potent when combined with Red Clover.
* A wash made from Red Raspberry Leaf can help relieve irritation of the skin due to its astringent properties. It has been known to treat acne by tightening the top layers of the skin which effectively reduces secretions, relieves irritation and improves tissue firmness.
Prepared As
infusion; compress; herbal tea blend
Possible Side Effects
* Many health professionals advise that it should only be used after the first trimester particularly if you have had a history of miscarriages as it can cause minor spotting during the early stages.
* May cause loosening of the stools.
* It is advised not to use leaves that are not completely dry as they can temporarily develop toxins that can cause nausea.
This website is for educational and informational purposes only. The publisher/owner of is not legally liable for your use of the information which is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have any serious health concerns, you should always check with your health care practitioner or medical herbalist before self-administering herbs.
It’s fascinating to hear the origins of these plants. I’ve only considered rasberries as a fruit for pies or jelly before now.
Glad you liked the post John and found it somewhat informative. It is surprising what you discover with certain fruit plants as they too have certain remedies within them. I will be writing future posts on other fruit plants, so be on the look out!
Is there any beneficial herb or tea you don’t know about? You are simply amazing. 🙂
Thanks Bill…I’m still learning myself! So much to learn and discover when it comes to natural herbs!
Good natural medicine to prevent stretch marks while pregnancy.
Hi Lorena, yes I believe Red Raspberry Leaf can help with this problem even more so if it was in the form of aromatherapy oils and then massaged into the specific area. Thanks for stopping by.