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Studies have proven that EMF radiation health effects are a serious concern – and it really is no surprise that concerns about electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are being raised more frequently now that more and more people are realizing the value of leading a toxin-free life.
EMFs are also known as “electrosmog,” which basically refers to all artificial electromagnetic radiation in our environment.
EMFs can be classified as either ionizing or non-ionizing.
Computers, Bluetooth devices, cell phones, wireless networks (Wi-Fi), iPads, microwaves, smart meters, power lines, ultrasounds, and MRIs are examples of non-ionizing EMFs.
Gamma rays, X-rays, and UV rays are examples of ionizing EMFs.
Non-ionizing EMFs in the radiofrequency range have been labelled as ‘potential human carcinogens’ by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). Electronic gadgets like tablets, smartphones, and cellphones create these fields.
Today’s reality includes things like powerlines, Wi-Fi, 5G satellites, and cellphones. EMFs are more prevalent than ever in our daily lives.
And they are having a startling impact on our health.
Why Does EMF Radiation Harm Us?
The truth is… Our bodies are electrically powered. Although you probably don’t consider it that way, it’s true.
Your neurons exchange electrical signals, which your brain interprets as messages. Electricity is also used by your heart, muscles, and organs.
Chemicals like sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium—all of which have an electrical charge—provide the electricity for your body.
Electricity also vibrates at various frequencies. and your body, as well as your laptop, cell phone, and refrigerator, fit this description.
Every organ and cell in your body is physically emitting electrical “vibrations.”
What happens then when there are opposing charges and vibrations present around us 24/7?
When your body has to fight electrical impulses all around you, it’s easy for signals to get crossed. It causes stress at a cellular level. Cellular damage is brought on by EMF radiation. Your body’s DNA gets older as a result of the oxidative damage it causes.
Your hormones are affected, including the stress hormone cortisol, the sleep hormone melatonin, testosterone, and estrogen.
Additionally, it messes with your brain’s electrical activity, which results in fatigue, mood issues, and cognitive fog. When you understand how the body functions, it makes sense why so many chronic illnesses are prevalent today.
One emerging area of research suggests that prolonged EMF exposure may also contribute to mitochondrial dysfunction. Mitochondria are often referred to as the “powerhouses” of our cells, responsible for generating energy. When EMFs disrupt mitochondrial activity, it can lead to widespread energy deficits, contributing to chronic fatigue, poor immune function, and even metabolic disorders. This area of study is still in its early stages, but the initial findings are alarming and warrant further investigation.
Children are particularly sensitive to EMFs because of their small size and fast growing brain system. Because of this, France banned Wi-Fi in nursery and elementary schools in 2018.
Radiation Health Effects – 10 Symptoms Of EMF Exposure
- Sleep Disturbances including Insomnia
- Headache
- Irritability
- Depression & Anxiety
- Tiredness & Fatigue
- Loss of Appetite & Weight Loss
- Lack of concentration & Brain Fog
- Dizziness
- Nausea
- Dysesthesia (a painful, often itchy sensation that can affect any part of the body)
How To Protect Yourself From EMF Exposure?
Thankfully there is a way to protect yourself and your family and one of the simplest, natural, holistic (and trendiest) ways is by wearing an EMF protection pendant that can shield you from EMFs. A pendant with an EMF is exactly what it sounds like. In essence, it’s a necklace with a pendant at the end, but instead of just being for show, it actually absorbs EMF fields.
The pendant is a tiny, cutting-edge technological device made from Japanese technology and created to balance energy waves all over your body.
10,000 negative ions, 36 minerals, and a layer of black tourmaline are all present in its central layer, which is enclosed between stainless steel plates. The black tourmaline is the “magic” that generates the 10,000 negative ions that help to balance your personal electric field.
People who wear the necklace report experiencing almost immediate symptom relief as well as an improvement in their physical and mental wellness.
Wherever you travel, around the clock, the pendant necklace will protect your body from the harmful effects of these EMFs.
Are you aware of the dangers of radiation health effects on your body? Would you reduce your use of these smart technologies if you knew what impact it had on you? Do you know someone that protects themselves from this exposure? I hope you enjoyed the read and if you liked it, please share it!
Peace & blessings